Travel insurance coverage that is right for you

No one wants to get sick on vacation, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Take care of your health — and your wallet — with travel medical insurance in Canada which covers expenses like prescriptions, hospital stays, and emergency transportation. With these comprehensive quotes and options to buy, you're sure to feel better soon.

In-the-know travelers understand that peace of mind is priceless. When you buy comprehensive travel insurance, you'll get access to the best trip cancellation and emergency medical coverage at seriously cheap rates. It's the best way to combine plans without breaking your budget.

Need help? Call: 1-514-559-1321

* 本服务只支持居住在安大略与魁北克的客人。

Travel insurance is always important, to ensure you, your family or visitors to Canada would be protected for emergency medical expenses and many other unforeseen costs during a trip.


we take care of you

Emergency Hospital Insurance

Visitor to Canada

Healthcare costs in Canada can be expensive if you’re not covered by a Canadian government healthcare plan. Make sure you have the proper visitor insurance coverage to help protect you and your family and enjoy a secure stay in Canada.

Emergency Hospital Insurance

International Student to Canada

Studying abroad is exciting and adventurous. Make sure you have the right insurance coverage for your journey while in Canada.

Emergency Hospital Insurance

Canadian Travellers

It may not come as a surprise that your provincial health plan may not cover your health care costs incurred outside of Canada, but did you also know that you could have limited coverage when traveling to other provinces/territories within Canada? Make sure you are properly covered when travelling abroad or from your home province.


JF Insurance

Call: 1-514-559-1321